6 March 2022 - 17 April 2022
Discovering Life In The Cross of Christ March 6 – April 17 What does it tell you that one of the most brilliant minds in history made this his no. 1 goal: "I want to know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2)? Though it strikes our ears as narrow and anti-intellectual, for Paul it was just the opposite. Because for him this crucified Jesus was opening a breadth of life and a fresh way of thinking that inverts all of the old ways. And he does the same for Paul's sensitive readers today.
Sermons: 5
17 April 2022
Series: Crosswalk
Speaker: George Hinman
Topic: 1 Corinthians, Easter, Jesus, truth
10 April 2022
Series: Crosswalk
Speaker: Jennifer Kenney
3 April 2022
Series: Crosswalk
Speaker: George Hinman
Topic: 1 Corinthians, cross, Jesus, Lent, love
13 March 2022
Series: Crosswalk
Speaker: George Hinman
Topic: 1 Corinthians, Jesus, Lent, work
6 March 2022
Series: Crosswalk
Speaker: George Hinman