UMin Mission Highlight

Hear about UMin mission trips to the Dominican Republic and Poland, and meet the students who went. 

Vietnam Partnership Presentation

UPC team in Vietnam

Learn about UPC’s new partnership with the United Presbyterian Church of Vietnam (UPCV) and hear stories from the team that went to Vietnam this past February.

UMin Deputation Presentation 2022

Our University Ministries Summer Deputees are back from ministering in Nepal and the Philippines and would love to share their experience with you.

Global Missions Monthly Update | Kenya

A conversation with UPC mission partner Douglas McFalls to learn about his ministry in Kenya: this gathering will take place in Calvin Lounge after the second service.

Focus on Reconciliation | ROM

Bojan & Rachel Ruvarac of ROM

Hear about God’s work of reconciliation through ROM (Renewing Our Minds), a gathering for young adults in Bosnia!