Join us every first Sunday of the month in person or through Zoom. Feel free to share the Zoom link and invite anyone who would be interested.
Douglas McFalls has been active in East Africa for over two decades and has been connected to UPC even longer. Through his non-profit, the ADEA Foundation will share developments in his partnership with the Maasai in Rombo, Kenya, since the Covid lockdowns and ensuing drought. The COVID lockdowns and drought lead ADEA to support the community with food distribution to over 1000 families to avoid starvation. The Lord showed us the opportunities of these gathers to teach basic farming practices and basic literacy – both unknown to the majority of the Maasai we served. Land loss, cattle death, and drought have impoverished this once-powerful community. Formal education may be the key to a better future, but schools are not free. Due to passionate cries for help, ADEA is supporting over 120 children in secondary school in our Keep Kids in School Program. Despite their suffering, these people hold onto their faith in Christ, though they ask why God has taken away their cattle. We are currently planning volunteer opportunities in an English Language camp for the summer of 2023
This gathering will take place in Calvin Lounge after the second service. The Zoom link is below. All interested are welcome!
Meeting ID: 964 2173 7143