Who Is Jesus?
Discover what we believe about Jesus Christ and what following him means for you today
Respond to Jesus
Perhaps it was something the pastor said today. Or maybe you’ve been ‘doing church’ for a long time and realize that now is the time to make a decision.
Jesus' Life
Jesus lived among the Jewish people during the beginning of the first century. His story is rooted in the long history of the Jewish people and their relationship to God.
During his short life, he worked as a carpenter and studied the scriptures. At the age of 30, Jesus began a public ministry and taught the Jewish scriptures, gathered a community of men and women who followed him as apprentices, and performed miracles—declaring that he was the Son of God, come as the Messiah to save all who believed in him.
But the story isn’t neat and tidy.
Overly zealous religious leaders saw Jesus as a rule breaker. A blasphemer. A threat. They used every means possible to end his ministry and end his life.
We know this as the crucifixion—the day when Jesus was put to death on a cross.
It was a sorrowful and shameful experience to die this way. Only those most hardened criminals were executed on a cross.
But Jesus turned this moment of agonizing sorrow into a celebration of joy as he proved his power over death. Because three days after his execution, he rose from the dead! Many saw him and gave testimony to the fact of his resurrection. He taught them that his death and his resurrection had significance for them then… and still does for us today.
Hard to imagine? Yes. But it’s in the radical, disruptive reality of his rising from the dead that a new life has become available to us. Jesus died but rose again so that death would not have the final say.
Jesus’ Power Over Death
Our Invitation Into God’s Kingdom
In Jesus Christ, you receive the gift of entering into life with him—a life filled with purpose, healing, and hope for eternity.
In Jesus, you can begin a pathway to wholeness, knowing that death will not be the end of your life.
Broken bodies, broken hearts, broken pasts… all will be made whole and new in this life and the next.
But Jesus will not force you to choose. You must decide to say yes to his invitation to follow him.
There are no prerequisites… nothing you need to do or prove to show you’re ready for God. He is ready and waiting for you to say yes.