Life is better together
By getting involved with a Group, you’ll experience a way of life that occurs when circles of friends live as family, missionally caring for others, just as Jesus did. Groups will be committed to meeting together on a regular basis to connect, go deeper in faith and do life together. There are 3 types of groups; Gather, Grow, and Neighborhood.
Gather Groups
This is all about connecting with one another in a fun and relational way. It’s a great way to meet new friends, be in Christ-centered community, and find a place to belong. Some examples would be game nights, dinners, shared hobby, family play dates, etc.
Grow Groups
This is all about intentionally growing in your faith in God with others. Our spiritual journey is a “team sport” and we grow with those around us through prayer, studying scripture, accountability, and support. Some examples would be Bible studies, book studies, prayer groups, sermon discussions, etc.
Neighborhood Groups
This is all about your neighborhood – think folks within a 5-7 mile radius! It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and to do life with those in proximity. It’s also a great opportunity to invite other neighbors into this shared life together. This can be through meeting as a gather group or a grow group.
New Groups starting in the Fall!