Room 390

Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask questions, engage with one another, receive a new student Bible, and think through and write out their own faith stories. At the end of the…

Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask questions, engage with one another, receive a new student Bible, and think through and write out their own faith stories. At the end of the…

Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask questions, engage with one another, receive a new student Bible, and think through and write out their own faith stories. At the end of the…

Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask questions, engage with one another, receive a new student Bible, and think through and write out their own faith stories. At the end of the…