
See What’s Happening at University Presbyterian Church


Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask…

Event Series Woodshop


Room 330

3rd - 8th Graders 3rd–8th grade students are invited to explore the art of woodworking through project creation in our winter woodshop session! Taking place on Sundays during Equipping Time…

Middle School Late Night

6th - 8th Grade Join us at UPC for Middle School Late Night, an evening of fun games, good food, and exploring the Bible together, all while enjoying the church…

Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask…

Event Series Woodshop


Room 330

3rd - 8th Graders 3rd–8th grade students are invited to explore the art of woodworking through project creation in our winter woodshop session! Taking place on Sundays during Equipping Time…

Event Series Confirmation


Room 390

8th-12th Grade Confirmation Confirmation is a milestone at UPC! This class covers the basics of the Gospel, gives youth a chance to hear faith stories of staff and pastors, ask…

Event Series Woodshop


Room 330

3rd - 8th Graders 3rd–8th grade students are invited to explore the art of woodworking through project creation in our winter woodshop session! Taking place on Sundays during Equipping Time…