UPC has a church-wide movement to read through the Bible and participate in weekly discussion groups. To promote Bible reading and reflection, this class will use the Immerse Reading Bible. The Immerse Reading Bible is a six-volume Bible using the New Living Translation, created with the intention of increasing readability and improving the Bible reading experience. We will study the Poets this fall and winter. Poets is the fifth installment of the six volumes of Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience program. Participants read about 35 pages each week. Discussion groups meet weekly for 17 weeks during Equipping Time. New participants are always welcome.
Discussion Groups will be offered in three ways:
1) Sunday Morning Equipping Time/Larson Hall: Participants will be assigned to a 6-8 person table for the series.
2) Sunday morning Equipping Time for Families/Larson Hall: Families will gather in a breakout room for a family-friendly version of Immerse using the standard reading guide and an abbreviated kid-friendly version.
3) Sunday mornings via zoom (9:45-10:30 am). The Zoom experience will use breakout rooms with discussion hosts. Existing UPC small groups are invited to participate as well.
You may also sign up in person in the Narthex on Aug. 27th and Sept. 3rd. Immerse Bibles can also be purchased at this time. The books costs $10. Class runs from September 10, 2023 – January 28, 2024.