Healing Prayers

Join us for a time of healing prayer in both the Traditional (8:30am) & Contemporary (10:45am) services.

MLK Prayer Breakfast

The event serves to unite communities to celebrate the legacy of Rev. Dr. King, honor leaders who model his work, and promote Biblical justice and reconciliation with community partners in the greater Seattle community.

Intercessors Zoom Gathering

This is an informal gathering of intercessors, prayer warriors, and people interested in prayer. It is an opportunity for fellowship, to hear updates on prayer opportunities with Presbyterian Reformed Ministry…

Early Morning Prayer Service

On the Wednesday of Holy Week, we will join together for a prayer service inspired by the early morning prayer services in Korean churches.

MLK Prayer Breakfast

The event serves to unite communities to celebrate the legacy of Rev. Dr. King, honor leaders who model his work, and promote Biblical justice and reconciliation with community partners in the greater Seattle community.