This is a one-day retreat May 4, 2024, 8AM-5PM You will meet at UPC and ride with leaders to and from the cabin! Lake Bosworth Cabin Join your friends and leaders for a day retreat at The Sweeney's Cabin on Lake Bosworth! We will eat together, play games, worship and do devotional time. Invite your friends! Cost…
High School Day Retreat | 9th -12th Grade Join your friends and leaders for a day retreat at The Sweeney's Cabin on Lake Bosworth! We will eat together, play games, worship, do devotional time, and hang out by the lake. Invite your friends! Sign-ups close October 21! Scholarships are available! Email Register here!
9th - 12th Grade Invite your friends to joins us in Palmer House for festive food and fun! Register here!
9th - 12th Grade Join us for dinner games at The Hinman's Home! We will enjoy good food, great company and plenty of games. Don't miss out on this chance to relax and hang out with friends! Let us know you are coming here!
9th - 12th Grade Join us for dinner and games at The Kenney's Home! We will enjoy good food, great company and plenty of games. Don't miss out on this chance to relax and hang out with friends! Let us know you are coming here!